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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 57... AGAIN!

Ow. My brain AND my body hurt. And I still have to look forward to the drill sergeant kicking my hind-end tomorrow. Why am I not asleep yet, you ask? Or maybe not. But either way I shall answer the question, so get over it. Ha.

Let's see, where shall I start? Um, had to empty out the kiddie pool we have sitting out back, to keep some coolness available until we actually get a REAL pool... Hmm, that was fun... It was pretty gross. I let it go unrefilled just a bit too long. I tried doing it without letting the air out at first, only to fall in face first. Yummy. There were dead crickets and one GIANT, UGLY roach in it. EWWWWW. I managed to get past that part, only to realize I was fighting a war that I was guaranteed not to win. So, I gave up, let out the air, and all was well. Or so I thought. The dog, not mine, decided to roll in the mud, thus sentencing himself to being stuck outside until he received a good cleansing, which would have been just fine and dandy, except the little one decided to open the door and let him run around ALL over the family room carpet. Luckily, I caught him relatively quickly, and respond appropriately with cleaning solution, hence, problem resolved.

Next issue, the water softener that was already in the house before we moved in, was out of salt. It needs salt? Why doesn't anyone tell you this before you move in? Helloooooo, this is me we're talking about. Technology is my forte, not equipment/manual labor type stuff. Thank God, yet again for hubby's friend. He is my new super hero. Especially since half of our mister system was clogged due to lack of filtration. And, I must say, that during days of the mid hundred-teens... so not good. This is what I get for being a girl about this kind of stuff. Don't take that wrong... not ALL girls are as dumb about these kinds of things as I am, but so not my bag of chips.

I got to the point of singing that song from West Side Story and Anger Management.... "I feel pretty, oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and GAY!"
Talk about having a moment of clarity. I've always had the proudness of being a pretty smart chick, but I have never felt like such a mentally challenged person until this evening. Instead of needing beauty sleep, I think I need some brainy sleep. On that note, I wish everyone, all one of you, a wonderful night and sweet dreams. Maybe I'll complain about my muscle soreness or something tomorrow... Nighty-night!

Day 57, Find a direction, and I'm already being pulled there...

I was actually hesitant to even turn on my computer today; for fear that there would be more things waiting to jump onto the large pile already on my plate. I'm attempting to still rid myself of our old house, and found out two weeks after signing and initialing 432 documents, that there were still yet even more that I had not signed... Oh, silly me, I should have known there were more papers needed when nobody SENT them to me to be signed!  My mind-reading abilities must be on the fritz...
And then, there is of course the sessions with the most evil of all beings, the personal trainer. Mine happens to be really nice, so I was under the impression that he wasn't going to try to murder me.  Whoops, there I go assuming things again... Silly me.  Truthfully I'm not as sore, now that I'm sort of getting the hang of how he does things, but then again, I was fifteen minutes late for our session yesterday and he had another client after me, so I lucked out of the full hour of pain.  I will say that I never actually knew how many parts of the abs you could work out at one time. At one point, I could have been baked up and served as a very large pretzel. 

The worst of all of the upcoming events would be our trip back home to visit the family next week.  Make no mistake about it, I am very excited to see my family, however, there are other obligations I have to attend to during my time back home. I still have a few loose ends to deal with on the old house, a teenage daughter whose life will end if she doesn't get to spend the night at one specific friend's house, and a personal friend who is going through a very rough time and needs me with her. This is when I pray for the miracle of cloning. I've never really been pro-cloning until now. But, I know, if there was more than one of me in existence, that nobody would get their feelings hurt and we could all come home happy and in one piece. Alas, science has not provided me with a cure for this, therefore I must suck it up and prioritize. I know, without a doubt, that family comes first, and luckily, not all of them will be around for as long as I will be there, so I can deal with the old house and most of the old friends once they leave. I just have to figure out the timing of it all. And then, there's the money issue. I'm trying to save as much as I can to be able to put a pool in our new backyard, whose only occupants are currently ants and weeds. So, I can't go crazy spending money and having crazy fun nights and/or days out. Especially since I already spent the majority of my pool budget on furnishing my new family room. Maybe I'll donate plasma or something... I think my eggs are too old to donate... Anyone need a kidney or maybe a liver or something? I kid of course. Things aren't THAT bad, it's just going to be tight, that's all. I have to spend wisely, and most certainly, not impulsively.  Which means, I have to be extra good about taking my meds... don't want my crazy getting out of hand!

I will try to be better about updating my posts from now on. I know I've said that before, but I really, really mean it this time. Pinky swear!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 46, I swear I'm following the plan... I'm baby-steppin'!

Well, what can I say??? I'm still sore beyond belief from my encounter with the pseudo drill sergeant personal training session I had two days ago. But, that is not the worst of what I've had to face today. Mom and Dad were coming for their first "official" visit to the new house. Can you say ANXIETY? Well, anxiety be damned, I made it through, and Mom even asked why I was so worried... Had she shown up at my house first thing this morning, she might have had another statement... But, we managed to get everything in working order and straightened up before they arrived this late afternoon. Busy day I must say, and with sore and aching muscles to boot!

Yes, I am still whining about muscle soreness. I wouldn't have thought that "core training" would take so much out of me, but alas, I was again proven wrong in my preconceptions. WAY wrong. I have a feeling I'll still be sore even tomorrow. All I can say is, "Damn you Don, Damn you!"

Don, if you haven't read my previous posts, is my super nice personal trainer. God love him; because I hate him right now. He made me work muscles that I haven't used in ten plus years, and even more that I never knew existed. WTF?!?!? All I have to say about that is I better get some good gosh darn results from the torture he is planning on putting me through in the next few weeks. God knows what I am paying for the time I spend with him. It only proves how out of shape I really am... I never knew. It's not like I'm some big ole fatty. I still register within the norms for my height and age, but apparently, I am nothing but a big pile of goo that he intends to mold into something I have never been in my entire life.

Anyway, since the folks showed up today, we really got A LOT accomplished in a very short time. It's amazing what a little motivation can do. Maybe I need them to visit more often. My house is almost ready to have my "house-warming" party. I just need some furniture for people to sit on!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Okay, technically day 45, but I haven't gone to sleep yet...

So, I have to thank my lucky stars that my time in the military did not ever expose me to the possibility of becoming a POW.  I now know that undeniably, I would have caved and spilled state secrets to whomever happened to be torturing me.  I know this, because I have now considered myself a POW of my personal trainer. I do believe he is already trying to kill me. And, I am paying him to do this. Why, you ask? Because my flabilicious rear end can't take anymore Double-Doubles from In-n-Out without his help.... I use the word "help" very loosely here. I really don't think he was trying to get back at me for my recent faux pas, but just trying to do his job of turning my pile of goo derriere back into something solid again.

Man, he is way too good at what he does. I was sore not three minutes after leaving training. I barely made it down the stairs to the locker room. My legs were jello and my arms probably couldn't have lifted an inflated balloon over my head. And to top it off, my "core" finally told me what it consisted of. Can you say "I want my mommy?"  I could, that is, if I weren't in so much pain. And I have five more sessions with him? What on earth was I thinking???

The one plus, is that I know I'm going to EVENTUALLY be thankful for this. I'm certainly not right now, but when I start seeing positive results, I'll be much more pleased that I chose to go this route. For now, I'm just really irritated that I had to choose the BEST personal trainer to work with. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I think I may be in too much pain to sleep, although I'm going to give it my best shot!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 43, Can I put my foot any further in my mouth?!?!

Ok, so I joined a gym last week. I used to be pretty in shape, but ever since I stopped working for the government, I've kinda lost touch with physical activity.  So, since we're all starting over with the new house, I've decided it's time for me to start over and join a gym. Not only have I joined a gym, I've been assigned a personal trainer.  He's a very nice guy named Don, and God love him, he's been a saint. Granted, we've only done my physical assessment so far, but he has a right to kick my veritable ass given what I just said to him yesterday.  See, unbeknownst to me at the time, Don's last name is Rosenberg, which wouldn't be an issue, except that I'm a TOTAL retard!  As most out of shape people, we need a very strict, and I mean strict, regimen to keep us going. So, here's where I became a total horse's arse:

As my trainer, Don is asking me what I feel I need to work on; I go through the laundry-list of things I need to work on, and then proceed to tell him..... "I need a NAZI to train me..."

Can we say, BAD FORM?!?!?

Thankfully, Don is a good-natured enough guy to realize I meant no offense, but needless to say, I expect a very painful first session with him on Thursday.  Gonna suck to be my big-mouthed ass.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


So, the insomniac in me has refused to go to sleep... Even though I've had the TV off for over an hour.  Guess I have officially managed to screw myself yet again. My inside of the house is still only 90% complete... I think I actually over-estimated the last time. 

So, my mission, should I choose to accept it, it to find a place for all of my stupid knick-knacks to go.  One kink in that plan... I STILL have no family room furniture. I put our old stuff in the kids' loft, which means I have to spend too much money to get NEW furniture for our NEW family room... Which I'm more than happy to do, because I'm currently stuck watching TV in my bedroom.... Fine at bedtime, not so fun during the day. So, I have to literally buy everything for the new room.  TV, entertainment center, couch, chairs, tables, yada, yada, yada.  Shoot me now... The last furniture I acquired was SOOOO uncomfortable, I really COULD only watch TV in my bedroom, and I am SOOO sick of it.  I want to enjoy the rest of my house.  OK, I'm done with the whining and I swear... This time I'm really going to bed!  G'nite all!

Day 41, Bad blogger, Bad blogger!

Okay, so I know it's been nine days since my last post, but please bear with me the next couple of weeks. I do have hubby's friend helping me out, but he's doing the boy stuff. Not inside stuff... Garage and the yard doodie duties.  The inside anal jobs, are ALL mine. And now, I have less than a week to prepare for my parents' first visit. Granted, Dad was here for the initial move-in, but that was just a bunch of boxes and some air mattresses, so not much was expected then.  But, it's been three weeks, and I'm pretty sure that my overly-ambitious mother will be expecting A LOT more than what I've accomplished so far.  Not sure if I mentioned in my last post that I am literally good for productivity only every other day, since the heat is, as of yet, still a little too much for me to bear.  I am only productive 4 days a week, as the days in between I am recovering from heat exhaustion, or an over intake of Bud Light, I haven't exactly figured out which.

So, I have until Saturday evening to get my cranium out of my rectum to get my poo in order.  I really don't want the McJudgersons getting on me for not having everything done before they get here.  At least the kitchen is in working order, so I can actually cook something for them.  We've got some cleaning to do for sure, since we've been focused on unpacking... I guess that's why I have children, right????

I do solemnly swear that once I get all of my unnecessary belongings in their proper place that I will be back to my regular blogging.  And maybe even back to entertaining you with all of my silly hijnx!  Gonna have to do spell check on that last word.  Never had to write it before!  Well, I'm breaking my own self proclaimed curfew tonight, as we plan on hitting the gym tomorrow, so I can get my overly enlarged rear end back into shape!  So, I suppose it is time for me to sign off and bid everyone sweet dreams and all that bull-butter! Goodnight all!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 32, Trouble in paradise... What else is new?

So, I'm beginning to think that the Fates are against me at this point. I've had fine letters from our HOA, which I've succinctly managed to handle without paying or upsetting those that "supposedly" work for us.  I've had moments where I was having such major bi-polar moments, that I don't remember speaking or acting as I did, which is not good in any way, shape, or form. And, I've had moments when I've been at my breaking point of giving up... But, I know, the good things are coming, and right around the corner.  And, maybe, just maybe, if I drink enough beer, that will come true.  I'm kidding, of course.  But, we've all had our moments where thinking just getting drunk will make the stress and frustration go away, right?  I've learned the hard way, not all that long ago, that it doesn't work.  The problems are still there when you sober up.  Damn those martinis!  And I always thought an olive could cure what ails you... Who knew? 

So, it's been a fantastic ride so far.  I just finished the last of my build-up dose of meds and will start full dose again tomorrow.  Woo-hoo.  I hate the fact I have to take meds, but if it keeps the crazy lady from talking to me.... kinda worth it, right?  Just kidding. I don't hear voices, but my own head gets a little blended sometimes; hence the meds. 

So, time for the stupid antics that have been happening...  We've been working on installing a mister system for... hmmm... about four or five days now... I'm trying to figure out why it's taking so long, but then I remember my ADD...  I get my hubby's buddy working on it and then I give him a new task mid-way.  Can you say, "DISTRACTED"?  Poor guy doesn't know what end is up with me... I really need to get my full dose going so I can get back on my ADD meds.  What a basketcase I am!  Anyway, It's time for the sandman to sprinkle his little fairy-dust on my head, so maybe I can get some sleep tonight.  Can't promise anything for tomorrow, but I will update as soon as I can.  Sweet dreams to all two of you who actually read this garbage!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Children to kill... People to see....

Ummm, where do I begin to recount the last two weeks of hell, I mean, life... Whoopsie! So, it's been, I don't know how many days since my last post... I'll do the math tomorrow. But, I'm am so ONE with Murphy.... Whatever could go wrong, HAS.  First off, we ended up not fitting absolutely everything in the last U-Haul, so we apparently left a few gifts for my nephew to acquire for his move. Nothing major was left behind... A chair or two, the back patio set that was old and decrepit, inside trash cans, and inside/outside rugs. Like I said, nothing major.... Until I had to repurchase all of these things... minus the backyard patio set... We're waiting to actually have a backyard before we buy a new one... OMG! I think I spent at LEAST one of hubby's "enormous" paychecks just restocking the crap we lost, granted, that includes restocking the fridge and freezer too, which we had to leave that stuff behind...

Everyday, it's one dollar after another for some unforeseen charge or necessity.  There goes the retirement fund... WHOOSH! Did you hear it? I did! I finally unpacked the last box for the kitchen today, (insert comment on how long it took here). Unfortunately, I was on the phone with hubby WAY too late to try to even start cooking anything for dinner for the kids; and hubby's friend came to the rescue to run to get them something, YET again. At least tomorrow I can cook breakfast, make lunch, and cook dinner. That'll be a first in a long time. If it weren't for my meds, I'd probably have two boxes unpacked, and nothing but cereal, milk, and beer available.  Poor kids would be eating cereal and fast food, and I'd end up with a 400 pound, 4 year old! Plus, the older two would be pretty chubby by now... (Although, they could stand a little meat on their bones!)
So, anyway, I would say that the inside is 90% unpacked... there's still a few things to be done, but once that's done, the inside is good.  And then... dum, dum, dum.... is the garage.  Talk about World War III! Our first load was unfortunately hastily thrown haphazardly into the garage; and now, it's MY problem.... More on that tomorrow.  Goodnight Blogosphere... God Bless.